KOMENTAR kamu dengan FOTO FOTO NARSIS + GOKIL dari COWOK ini ???

apa KOMENTAR kamu tentang FOTO FOTO NARSIS + GOKIL dari COWOK ini ???

Pria 26 tahun yang memakai nama samaran Mustang Wanted ini sering disebut sebagai Spider Man dunia nyata karena berani melakukan gaya ekstrem saat berpose di depan kamera.

Dia telah menghabiskan sepuluh tahun terakhir ini dengan naik di atas beberapa struktur tertinggi di bekas peninggalan Uni Soviet, dan mengambil foto luar biasa dari dirinya yang bergantung dengan satu tangan atau berjingkat di atas sebuah tiang. 

Sejak kecil, Mustang memiliki selera yang unik tentang olahraga ekstrem, dan hobi pertamanya kala itu adalah berlatih seni bela diri Brasil, Capoeira. Kini, mantan penasihat hukum asal Kiev, Ukraina, ini menantang adrenalinnya dengan melakukan aksi luar biasa di atas gedung bertingkat atau struktur tinggi lainnya. Foto-foto dan video dari aksinya tersebut kemudian dibagikan melalui akun sosial medianya. 

Salah satu aksi fenomenalnya yang paling terkenal adalah aksi push-up di sebuah menara setinggi 300 meter di atas tanah, dan menggantung dengan satu tangan di atas sebuah mesin derek dalam ketinggian 150 meter di udara. 

"Kadang-kadang, saya berpikir bahwa saya robot. Saya tidak merasakan apa-apa. Hanya satu hal yang saya khawatirkan yakni tertangkap polisi, yang pada akhirnya akan mengganggu rencana saya," ungkap Mustang Wanted seperti dilansir Oddtycentral (20/3).

Buktikan keberanian Mustang Wanted dalam melakukan pose ekstremnya di video dan foto di bawah ini.


Just hanging out: Ukranian daredevil Mustang Wanted dangles from a skyscraper hundreds of feet high in one of scariest pictures yet
Just hanging out: Ukrainian daredevil Mustang Wanted dangles from a Moscow skyscraper hundreds of feet high in one of his scariest pictures yet

Look one-handed: A residential tower block in the Ukraine becomes an adventure playground for local daredevil Mustang Wanted
Look one-handed: A residential tower block in Moscow becomes an adventure playground for local daredevil Mustang Wanted

No safety net: Mustang tentatively places one foot in front of the other as he steps across a brick ledge at the top of one of the Ukraine's tallest buildings
No safety net: Mustang tentatively places one foot in front of the other as he steps across a brick ledge at the top of one of the Ukraine's tallest buildings 

Long drop: The 26 year-old former legal advisor from Kiev, Ukraine, eschews the use of safety harnesses as he pursues his adrenalin-charged, death-defying hobby
Long drop: The 26 year-old former legal advisor from Kiev, Ukraine, eschews the use of safety harnesses as he pursues his adrenalin-charged, death-defying hobby

Say cheese: Mustang dangles single-handed as a photographer snaps away to get the perfect shot
Say cheese: Mustang dangles single-handed as a photographer snaps away to get the perfect shot

Hold on tight: Mustang has amassed thousands of followers on social network sites such as YouTube, Facebook and the Russian version, Kontakte
Hold on tight: Mustang has amassed thousands of followers on social network sites such as YouTube, Facebook and the Russian version, Kontakte

Get a grip: Fearless Mustang hangs from around the 20th floor of a Moscow tower block for another vertigo-inducing picture
Get a grip: Fearless Mustang hangs from around the 20th floor of a Moscow tower block for another vertigo-inducing picture

Describing his philosophy, Mustang says: 'Death is not the worst thing that can happen. Everyone dies, but not everyone lives the way they want'
Describing his philosophy, Mustang says: 'Death is not the worst thing that can happen. Everyone dies, but not everyone lives the way they want'

One way to make a living: The 26-year-old daredevil is appealing for sponsorship so he can turn his thrill-seeking past-time into a proper career
One way to make a living: The 26-year-old daredevil is appealing for sponsorship so he can turn his thrill-seeking past-time into a proper career


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